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2019年12月16日 15:53  点击:[]






主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、青年项目1项,国家海洋局青年海洋科学基金等项目5项,参与国家重点研发项目1项,已发表论文30余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇,参与撰写中英文专著各一部;荣获省部级奖励2项。入选陕西科技大学“学术骨干”人才支持项目。Marine Pollution Bulletin、Environmental Pollution、Water Research、Chemosphere、海洋与湖沼、环境污染与防治和海洋渔业等学术刊物的审稿人。







1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(22076112):薄膜梯度扩散技术研究水-沉积物中抗生素的赋存、迁移行为机制和归趋,2021.01-2023.12 (主持)

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41476084),基于半透膜渗透装置被动采样技术研究海洋环境中多氯联苯和有机氯农药的环境行为,2015.01-2018.12 (主持)

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(41106079),SPMD采集渤海海水中卤代有机污染物的动力学机制及影响因素校正的研究,2012.01-2014.12 (主持)

4. 国家海洋局青年海洋科学基金(2011519),逸度模型对大连市OCPs的多介质环境行为和风险的研究,2011.01-2012.12 (主持)

5.海洋局近岸生态环境重点实验室开放基金(201002),近岸海区突发性溢油事故自然资源损害评估体系的研究,2011.01-2012.12 (主持)

6.国家海洋局海洋溢油鉴别与损害评估技术重点实验室开放基金 (201306),等价分析法评估海上溢油事故的生态环境损害关键技术研究,2013.01-2014.12 (主持)

7.国家重点研发项目(2016YFC1402405),海上危险化学品突发事故应急技术研发及示范,2016.09 -2021.06 (参与)

8.海洋公益性行业科研专项(201005034-2),沿海危险化学品污染事件海洋预案支撑技术研究与应用示范,2010.07-2013.06 (参与).



1. 李英明, 张蓬, 王璞, 傅建捷, 张庆华. 极地与高山地区持久性有机污染物的赋存与环境行为. 北京:科学出版社(ISBN 978-7-03-060075-2), 2019.

2. Dongmei Zhao1, Peng Zhang1, Gene J. Zheng, Xinhong Wang, Bruce J. Richardson, Ziwei Yao*. The legacy of organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Chinese coastal seawater monitored by Semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMDs). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018, 137: 222-230.

3. Peng Zhang, Linke Ge, Hui Gao, Ting Yao, Xiaodan, Fang, Chuanguang Zhou, Guangshui Na. Distribution and transfer pattern of Polychlorinated Biphenyls among the Selected Environmental Media of Ny-Ålesund, the Arctic: as a case study. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2014, 89(1-2): 267-275.

4. Peng Zhang, Ruijun Sun, Linke Ge, Zhen Wang, Hong Chen, Ziwei Yao. Compensation for the damages arising from oil spill incidents: Legislation infrastructure and characteristics of the Chinese regime. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2014, 140: 76-82.

5. Peng Zhang, Linke Ge, Chuanguang Zhou, Ziwei Yao. Evaluating the performance of accelerated- solvent extraction, microwave-assisted extraction, and ultrasonic extraction for determining PCBs, HCHs and DDTs in sediment.Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2011, 29: 1103-1112.

6. Jinming Song. Biogechemical processes of Biogenic elements in China marginal seas. (负责其中两章). 浙江大学出版社:杭州; SpringerPress. 2010.

7. Peng Zhang, Jinming Song, Huamao Yuan. Persistent organic pollutant residues in the sediments and mollusks from the Bohai Sea coastal areas, North China: An overview.Environment International, 2009, 35: 632-646.

8. Peng Zhang, Jinming Song, Jie Fang, Zhigang Liu, Huamao Yuan. One century record of contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in core sediments from the Southern Yellow Sea. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2009, 21: 1080-1088.

9. Peng Zhang, Jinming Song, Zhigang Liu, Naixing Zhang, Zhipeng He. PCBs and its coupling with eco-environments in the southern Yellow Sea surface sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2007, 54: 1105-1115. 




• 2015年:辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖三等奖





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