1.Zhang, C., Chen, X.Z., Tao, Y., Ke, T., Li, S.X., Wang, P.P., Chen, L.Z., 2020. Enhanced removal of trichlorfon and Cd(II) from aqueous solution by magnetically separable chitosan beads immobilizedAspergillus sydowii. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 148, 457-465.
2.Zhang, C., Tao, Y., Li, S.X., Ke, T., Wang, P.P., Wei, S.J., Chen, L.Z., 2020. Bioremediation of cadmium-trichlorfon co-contaminated soil by Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) associated with the trichlorfondegrading microbeAspergillus sydowii: related physiological responses and soil enzyme activities. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 188, 109756.
3.Zhang, C., Xie, M., Chen, J., Zhang, Y.R., Wei, S.J., Ma, X.Y., Xiao, L., Chen, L.Z., 2018. UV-B radiation induces DEHP degradation and their combined toxicological effects onScenedesmus acuminatus. Aquatic Toxicology, 203, 172–178.
4.Zhang, C., Liu, S.Y., Li, S.X., Tao, Y., Wang, P.P., Ma, X.Y., Chen, L.Z., 2019. Enahanced biosorption of Cu(II) by magnetic chitosan microspheres immobilizedAspergillus sydowii(MCMAs) from aqueous solution. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 581, 123813.
5.Zhang, C., Tao, Y., Li, S., Tian, J., Ke, T., Wei, S., Wang, P., Chen, L., 2019. Simultaneous degradation of trichlorfon and removal of Cd(II) byAspergillus sydowiistrain PA F-2. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 26844–26854.
6. Li, S., Wang, P.,Zhang, C., Zhou, X., Yin, Z., Hu, T., Hu, D., Liu, C., Zhu, L., 2020. Influence of polystyrene microplastics on the growth, photosynthetic efficiency and aggregation of freshwater microalgaeChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Science of the Total Environment, 714, 136767.
7. Deng, S., Ke, T., Wu, Y.,Zhang, C., Hu, Z., Yin, H., Guo, L., Chen, L., Zhang, D., 2018. Heavy Metal Exposure Alters the Uptake Behavior of 16 Priority Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by Pak Choi (Brassica chinensisL.). Environmental Science & Technology, 52, 13457-13468.
8. Ke, T., Zhang, J., Tao, Y.,Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., Xu, Y., Chen, L., 2020. Individual and combined application of Cu-tolerantBacillusspp. enhance the Cu phytoextraction efficiency of perennial ryegrass. Chemosphere, 263, 127952.
9.张超,周旭,张海,郭富强,燕君芳,朱丽媛. 2017.苹果专用肥对旱地果园土壤酶活性以及微生物多样性的影响.生态学杂志, 36(12): 3485-3492.
10.张超,张海,周旭,翟辉,燕君芳. 2017.苹果专用肥对果园土壤理化性质及苹果产量、品质的影响.中国土壤与肥料, 04: 24-30.
11.张超,张海,翟辉,周旭,李爱梅,张立新. 2017.黄土高原不同坡位苹果园土壤生物学特征——以陕西省淳化县为例.干旱地区农业研究, 35(05): 95-101+135.
12.张超,李爱梅,周旭,张玲,蔺浩然,张立新,张海. 2017.地面覆盖对渭北旱地苹果园土壤理化性质与果实产量、品质的影响.西北农业学报, 26(04): 609-616.
13.徐雪东,张超,秦成,苏芸芸,周洁,张海,张立新. 2019.干旱下接种根际促生细菌对苹果实生苗光合和生理生态特性的影响.应用生态学报,30(10):3501-3508.
Email: zhangmj921122@163.com